Posted on 12/17/2020
Like many drivers, you probably never think about the difference between a tire balance and a wheel alignment. Both services are essential to maintaining your vehicle's performance and extending the life of your tires. It's important that wheel alignment and tire balancing are included in your car's regular maintenance schedule, and that you recognize the signs of imbalanced tires and wheels that have become misaligned. Tire balance The tires on your vehicle are balanced on the wheel by small weights placed between the tire and rim. Why? Because even a new tire will never be perfectly balanced. When our technicians perform a balancing service on your car, we make sure the weight of the tire and wheel is distributed as evenly as possible. This way, the tire rolls smoothly. Like most things, your tire balancing endures normal wear and tear. The weights shift or even become lost when hitting a pothole or slamming on the brakes. If you notice any of the foll ... read more