Posted on 8/31/2020
Before you fork out hundreds of dollars for new tires, do you know what type of tire tread you need? There are four standard tire treads, and depending on the location and weather, each is created to improve the drive’s performance. We’ve outlined a few differences between them all to help you decide which is best for you: There are symmetrical tread patterns that have grooves that are uniform across the tire’s tread face. Symmetrical tire treads are popular for touring tires. They provide a quiet ride and a long lifespan. Symmetrical treads are versatile and useful for a variety of drives. These tires are multidimensional, so they can be rotated in any direction without impacting performance. The asymmetrical tire tread has a mix of tread patterns. They usually have a section down the middle and on the edge, that’s designed for wet weather. The outside edge of the tire has an aggressive tread that gives opti ... read more